0131 281 0429
19 Smith's Place
Edinburgh, EH6 8NU
074 0463 3415
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105
Why contact e-Support?
Becuase e-Support service:
guarantees full anonymity
gives access to mental support
directly from your home
we care about high level of your safety
e-Support is very straight forward
Would you like to stay anonymous? Are you afraid you might be recognised? e-Support gives you full anonymity.
e- Support service is created to put emphasise on confidentiality.
Information which you decide to provide are only directed to a Psychologist.
The variety of different forms of communication with Psychologist makes you show as much of yourself as you like. You can always choose confidential form of communication. If you decide to become more open and feel free to talk to one of our workers in person you can always make an appointment.