0131 281 0429
19 Smith's Place
Edinburgh, EH6 8NU
074 0463 3415
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105
Polish Family Support Centre
Privacy Policy
Whenever you are using services of the Polish Family Support Centre in Edinburgh you allow us to processes your personal data, for instance: name, surname, address, email, telephone number, date of birth and other.
Information that we collect from you, we will use to contact you and for statistical purpose. In exceptional circumstances, precisely defined by law your personal data can be given to authorised institutions.
All client personal data are stored in a secured way and access to them is not possible to third parties.
We are also committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
Adopted on: 11th February 2010
Reviewed date: 7th January 2014
Privacy Policy