0131 281 0429
19 Smith's Place
Edinburgh, EH6 8NU

074 0463 3415
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105
Polish Family Support Centre
Sort code: 80-11-00
Account number: 00398105


Counselling and advice for people who struggle with different problems, barriers and challenges that affects their daily life. We offer emotional and mental support, help and advice for Poles who find difficult living abroad and coping with different problems e.g. language barriers, cultural differences, stress, anxiety, depression, addictions etc.
Polish Family Support Centre has been working with disadvantaged Poles for over 6 years and gained knowledge and understanding of this particular minority ethnic group. The difficulties related to living in a different country are complex and affects Poles mental health and emotional wellbeing, thus has impact on their family wellbeing.
We aim to help people identify problems and help cope with challenges and barriers of their daily life, thus improving their mental and emotional health.
We offer face to face as well as support by skype and email.